Big Stag
Caught a cray
Checkered tits
Dirty little secret
Dodgy bridge
Fish head
Freddy and the Kowhai
Gorse pockets
Hands Up
He fell for the crab dress
I am the sea and the sea is me
I want to keep him
Iris libertia Grandiflora
Last march I was eaten by one shark and then by another
Learning to Fly
Magic Man
Mello Yello
Mick Jagger riding wild horses
Moth Face
Pondering the Egg
Puriri's Light
Sea Sonnet
She’s a Rainbow
Swan Song II
The Gannet
The heart is an octopus
The heart is an octopus #2
The Swan Song
The Young Romantic
Under the bridge
Wild Cat
Wild girl from the sea
Wildy Bound
Wildy Dreams