Cellscape by Inge Worn

Posted by Fiona Cable on

The absolute wonder of the human body could inspire a lifetime of painting. As Glen Colquhoun, New Zealand G.P. and poet writes, 'We are glorious, remarkable feats of biology. Insanely exquisite.'

This series of mainly allegorical paintings show some of the workings of the human body as seen through the electron microscope. Thirteen paintings track the human journey from conception through vigorous youth; defence against the assault of illness or injury and on to recovery, with its associated peace and wellbeing.

The cell activity in some of the paintings is supported by Maori Taonga poenamu; each of which corresponds to a stage of life's journey.

“I am a New Zealander of Northern European heritage who finds this Maori symbolism meaningful.

My grandchildren, two of whom are Maori, are my Taonga,” explains Worn.

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